Click here to view the Kids Biz OSHC COVID Safe Plan
What additional infection control measures are in place at Kids Biz?
Kids Biz is closely monitoring public health advice to ensure the health and safety of all children, families and educators at our services.
Additional infection control measures that are in place at the service include:
Regular handwashing by all educators and children
Hand sanitiser available for use by educators, children, and families
Increased cleaning frequency, including regular cleaning of frequent touch points
Visitors to the service are restricted
Health and hygiene discussions during the daily group talk
People who are unwell or who have returned from overseas or a coronavirus hotspot within the last 14 days must not attend the service.
Additional Child Care Subsidy (Temporary Financial Hardship)
If you are experiencing financial hardship due to the impacts of COVID-19 you may be eligible for the Additional Child Care Subsidy (Temporary Financial Hardship), which can assist with the cost of childcare. For more information, including how to apply, please see https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/additional-child-care-subsidy. Services Australia also has additional support and resources available to assist, which can be viewed at https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/subjects/affected-coronavirus-covid-19.
Mental Health Support
The Coronavirus pandemic may result in additional stress and feelings of unease amongst both children and adults. We recommend this PDF for talking to your children about Coronavirus. Our educators will also continue to support children with any stress they may be experiencing at this point in time. Beyond Blue also has some useful information to support mental wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Information and advice on the Coronavirus is available from the Australian Department of Health, ACT Health, and NSW Health.
What will happen if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus at Kids Biz?
If there is a confirmed case of coronavirus at one of our services we will work closely with the public health authorities to identify and notify any close contacts and ensure the service is thouroughly cleaned before reopening. Families will be advised if the service is required to close.
Further information and advice is available at covid19.act.gov.au.
If you have any queries please contact us at admin@kidsbizoshc.com.au or on 0439 927 053.
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